High quality Standards in flour business    


Preparation of the Wheat

EVREN UN use 100% Turkish wheat for all baking products. Wheat is being collected all over our region. For the flours used by large industrial bakers we use only our region’s wheat.

The wheat is weighed and filled into the silos by mechanical elevators. The silos are large steel bins about 20 meters high, which are holding about 250 tonnes of wheat for each of them. Our silos are well-cared in order not to damp of wheat.




Cleaning the Wheat

Wheat has many ways like as many store rooms, tankers and trucks before it reaches our silos. We have to be sure that it is throughly cleaned before we start to mill it. We put the wheat through several cleaning stages and tests before we allow it to be milled.

In the screen room all of the impurities are removed. First, we pass the wheat through a separator. This is a series of sieves that remove any large particles (such as straw) and any finer particles (such as soil and dust). And Then de-stoner remove the stones. After washing the grain we finally passed to removing of tiny metal materials that might be picked up at transportation.

The Milling Stage

The milling stage starts by taking the cleaned wheat from the silos and "conditioning" it by adding water. This makes the wheat easier to mill. The ridged rollers that break open the grain revolve at high speed in opposite directions. They are carefully set so that as the wheat passes between them they do not crush but "peel" it open.

The opened grain passes through a series of rotating sieves. They separate out all of the milled components. The finest particles are the flour. Even at this stage the particles are too big and are further reduced by a set of smooth steel rollers until a fine flour is produced. Purifiers use blasts of air to separate out bran from the other particles.



The Packing Stage

The final milling process will produce several different products. Most of the product will be flour, but there will also be bran. Each of these products is separated in the milling process and stored in different storage bins.

Flour produced for the large bakers is stored in large bins and loaded out into specially designed tankers. We deliver this tankers of flour at the western part of Turkey. Each of our tankers can carry up to 25 tonnes at a time.

Other flours are stored ready to be packed into bags for delivery to retail shops and bakeries throughout Turkey. Our packing machines can fill packs ranging in sizes from 1000g to 50Kg.

© 2006, Yörükoğulları Gıda Sanayii ve Ticaret A.Ş.
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